
Pick up videos

This blog is by, for, and about Marylanders that love old pick up trucks. Myself? I love them because they're durable, like me!

It's going to take me awhile to gather what I'm going to put up here, but for now I found these interesting videos of Pick Ups:

Pickup Truck Ferry Accident - Watch more Animal Videos

Big Trucks Kendel Carson - Watch more Entertainment

Here's what I'd like to do:

  • Organize a truck swap meet

  • List junk yards that have old truck parts

  • List places that sell hard to find truck parts

  • List local Maryland shops that restore old trucks

  • Start a Mailing list for all of us to post to so we can share tips, trick, and how-tos

  • That's all I have time for now, it's Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend, AND I just had a birthday... and I'm a new Grandfather!!!

    My Grand daughter is the "Apple of my eye" (wonder where that phrase came from?)

    I even started a blog about being an "Aging Baby Boomer gets second chance to be a better parent", it's at http://granddaddydaycare.blogspot.com

    See ya soon
    David Bruce

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