
Amazon.com bettering Ebay at their own game

But to tell you the honest to God truth... it's because it takes money to sell on Ebay and from what I've seen it doesn't take money to sell on Amazon.com!

I can't GET PAID from Amazon.com without paying a fee of some kind, but with Ebay if you don't have the fee...you're just S.O.L.

Frederick Maryland has the Great Frederick Fair, you can buy stuff at the fair and throw it up online at both ebay and amazon.com for a profit


This post has a treat: Jessica Mellot Country Music's Rising Star and A HomeGrown Frederick Maryland Sweetheart to boot


Simple steps to Maryland Internet Advertising


As a local small business, you're not going to be able to 
knock that directory out of his number one spot, but that 
also means your competitor isn't going to be able to do so 


Pick up videos

This blog is by, for, and about Marylanders that love old pick up trucks. Myself? I love them because they're durable, like me!

It's going to take me awhile to gather what I'm going to put up here, but for now I found these interesting videos of Pick Ups:

Pickup Truck Ferry Accident - Watch more Animal Videos

Big Trucks Kendel Carson - Watch more Entertainment

Here's what I'd like to do:

  • Organize a truck swap meet

  • List junk yards that have old truck parts

  • List places that sell hard to find truck parts

  • List local Maryland shops that restore old trucks

  • Start a Mailing list for all of us to post to so we can share tips, trick, and how-tos

  • That's all I have time for now, it's Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend, AND I just had a birthday... and I'm a new Grandfather!!!

    My Grand daughter is the "Apple of my eye" (wonder where that phrase came from?)

    I even started a blog about being an "Aging Baby Boomer gets second chance to be a better parent", it's at http://granddaddydaycare.blogspot.com

    See ya soon
    David Bruce


    My vintage truck project - 73 Dodge pick up

    Legal Tags with MD insurance lapse

    Welcome to the first edition of the Maryland Vintage Truck Club newsletter.

    I'm David Bruce and I wanted to start a Vintage truck club in Maryland because I think older trucks deserve to grow old gracefully, just like I am:)

    Over the years I've had more than my share of vintage pickups, at the time they weren't considered *vintage*, they were just old! In the 80's when the auto industry began installing computers and sensors and other high tech gadgetry, the technology just wasn't up to the geekyness factor that the gadgets offered.

    The car or trucks (even big rigs) computers worked OK, the sensor technology wasn't up to the task. Extreme weather conditions of blistering heat or shivering deep freeze ruined the sensors.

    It was right then and there that I resolved to ONLY purchase vehicles that had 6 wires and I knew where they all went.

    This is the first post...

    The task of setting up all of this web stuff combined with what it's going to take to make this a 'real club' complete with articles of incorporation and such are forcing me to post 'itty bitty pieces' as I go along

    more coming
    David Bruce
    Frederick MD